Miner finalises PEA on Peruvian project

Photo: Candente Copper
Photo: Candente Copper

Vancouver-based miner Candente Copper has announced the completion of a positive preliminary economic as-sessment (PEA) for the company’s Caсariaco copper project in Peru’s northern part.


Based on a projected average annual metal production of 173 million pounds, or 78,543 tonnes, of copper, 31,395 oz of gold and 703,588 oz of silver for 28 years, the Caсariaco Norte project has an after-tax net present value of some US$ 1.01 billion, the company said in a statement.


“The 2022 PEA presents an alternative business case for developing the Caсariaco Project with a smaller initial CapEx, however larger companies could prefer to develop it as a larger project with a much higher throughput on start-up,” said Joanne Freeze, the president and chief executive of Candente Copper. “The very large data base from previous engineering work supports the 2022 PEA which to-gether could allow moving directly into a feasibility evaluation phase.”