Copper miner reports positive results at Canadian mine

Photo: Doré Copper Mining
Photo: Doré Copper Mining

Investment progresses Toronto-based Doré Copper Mining has communicated additional high-grade copper results from the com-pany’s completed 2021 drilling campaign at its flagship Corner Bay property in the Chibougamau mining camp, in Canada’s Québec.


“The 2021 drilling program totaled 41,063 metres in 43 holes (includ-ing wedge holes). Doré Copper is reporting today the results from five holes. The Corporation expects to receive assays for the remaining six holes of the program towards the end of February,” the business said in a statement.


The latest drill results expanded the copper-gold mineralisation at Corner Bay in two areas of the deposit, and they will be incorporated, along with the results the company released last month and other pending results, into Doré Copper Mining’s updated Mineral Re-source estimate for Corner Bay for the preliminary economic assess-ment (PEA) expected at the end of the first quarter of this year, the miner said.