Los Andes Copper develops Chilean project

Photo: Los Andes Copper

Los Andes Copper has reported positive initial re-sults from Hole CMV-001B and an aggregate 732 meters with an es-timated average grade of 0.51% of copper equivalent at the com-pany’s Vizcachitas copper-molybdenum porphyry deposit in central Chile. The average grades also comprise 160 parts per million of mo-lybdenum, the business said in a statement.


“Drilling is continuing with four drill rigs at Vizcachitas with the objec-tives of expanding the resources within the open pit designs and to explore the deposit below the boundaries of the open pit designed in the Preliminary Economic Assessment,” the statement said.


R. Michael Jones, the CEO of the Canadian miner, commented that “Hole CMV-001B is important for two reasons: firstly, it demonstrates and confirms the scale of the good grades at Vizcachitas starting from the collar in rock; secondly, the hole is near the western limit of the resources and shows clear potential for further resources to the west. We look forward to the assays for this hole below the current pit de-signs.”