Hexagon boosts drill autonomy capacities with new deal

Photo: Hexagon

Sweden’s Hexagon has announced the signing of an exclusive partnership agreement with Phoenix Drill Control, a company spe-cialised in implementing autonomous technology to the open-pit, blast-hole drilling process.


“Optimized drill operations have the potential to significantly improve a mine’s bottom line by protecting machine life, ensuring high-quality blast holes and reducing overall drill costs,” the business said in a statement.


Hexagon’s partnership with Phoenix Drill Control will allow the company further enhance its autonomous capabilities, said Ryan Hawes, the chief operational officer of Hexagon’s Mining division.


“Phoenix Drill Control’s simplified, scalable automation platform is com-mercially available immediately. It will bring profound benefits to custom-ers, including faster decisions with greater accuracy, improved health and safety, greater efficiency by eliminating errors and a smaller environmen-tal footprint,” according to Hawes.