Miner reports gold, silver findings at Canadian project

Photo: Benchmark Metals
Photo: Benchmark Metals

 Canada’s Benchmark Metals has released new results from infill and expansion drilling at the company’s Dukes Ridge deposit in British Columbia, highlighted by a core length of 54.60 metres of 2.51 grams per tonne of gold and 97.05 grams per tonne of silver.


“These results continue to demonstrate strong similarities to typical mineralization at the Cliff Creek and AGB deposits, with broad bulk-tonnage style intercepts enveloping high-grade zones. The Dukes Ridge Deposit had until recently seen little drilling relative to the Cliff Creek and AGB deposit areas, and these latest results underscore the potential to add significant gold-silver ounces to the global re-source at the Lawyers project as part of the imminent MRE update,” the miner said in a statement.


John Williamson, the CEO of Benchmark Metals, commented the company anticipates “continued growth for the Dukes Ridge deposit, and for the other deposit areas at Lawyers, as additional drill results contribute to the upcoming mineral resource estimate update.”